602. Touch to reveal the first set of options:• Call: allows you to call a currently selected entry.• Video Share: allows you to share either a live video recording orrecorded video with a phone that is similarly equipped, and if bothSIMs have the feature enabled.• Send Message: allows you to send a text message or a multimediamessage to the selected entry.3. Press to return to the previous Entry Options page.4. Touch Edit to alter the properties of the current entry suchas: Name, Mobile number, Home number, or Emailaddress. Touch Save to store your changes.5. Touch Delete to delete the current address book entry fromthe Phone or the SIM card.6. Touch More to reveal the second set of entry options:• Print via Bluetooth: allows you to send the selected contact entryinformation to a Bluetooth compatible printer.• Send Business Card via: allows you to send a message to theselected entry that contains the information from an Address BookBusiness Card entry that you have on file.This can be sent as either a message or by way of Bluetooth.• Add to Favorites: allows you to add the selected contact to yourfavorites. For more information, refer to “Address BookFavorites” on page 62.FDN ModeFDN (Fixed Dialing Number) mode, if supported by your SIM card,restricts your outgoing calls to a limited set of phone numbers.When this feature is enabled, you can make calls only to phonenumbers stored in the FDN list on the SIM card.Note: FDN Mode must be set to On in the Menu ➔ Settings ➔ Phone ➔Security ➔ Fixed dialing mode option before you can add, change, ordelete contacts on the FDN List.Phone OptionsAdditional Options