50Example: Both the words “Of” and “Me” use the 6 and 3 keys. The phonedisplays the most commonly used choice first.4. Press Space to insert a space and start the next word.To enter a word in T9 mode while in Landscape Mode:1. Begin typing a word by pressing the A through Z keys.Touch a key for each letter.2. The word that you are typing displays on the screen. A listof word options displays and includes a number indicatingthe number of words available. The word and list of wordsmay change as you type it.3. Scroll up and down in the word options box to select thedesired word.4. If these choices do not include the word you want to use,add a new word into the T9 dictionary.To add a new word into the T9 dictionary:1. If the word does not display in the alternate choices, touchthe pull-down menu (Landscape Mode), scroll to the end ofthe list, and select Add word.2. Enter the word you want to add using Abc mode. For moreinformation, refer to “Changing the Text Input Mode” onpage 48.3. Touch OK to accept the newly added word. The word isadded to the T9 dictionary and becomes a word for theassociated key press series.Note: The Add word feature may not be available for some languages.To enter periods, hyphens, and other special characters while inPortrait Mode:1. Touch T9Ab ➔ Symbols and then touch the correspondingkey. If the symbol does not display on the initial screen,touch the left or right key to display the nextset of symbols.2. Touch SYM ➔ T9 Abc to return to the T9Abc input mode.Touch to see list.Number of wordsin list.Scroll up and down,and touch thecorrect word.