Symptom Check RemedyApp doesn't work properly • Does an error occur whenaccessing the app?• Make sure your smart device iscompatible with the app. (Seepage 7) Press here• Make sure the app is the latestversion.• Make sure the Link Mate's frontLED turns from red to blue.• If used with a HUB- Make sure the HUB and thesmart device are connected tosame router.- Make sure the HUB's indicatorLED's show that it is workingcorrectly. (See page 18, item 3.)Press here- If you experience troubles withconnecting the HUB and LinkMate, try relocating the LinkMate so that the Link Mate iscloser to the wireless router orHUB.NOTE9 If the problem persists, consult the service center for troubleshooting.A Open Source License Notice• For further information on Open Sources used in this product, please visit the website: Licences• The Spotify Software is subject to third party licenses found here• For more information about Spotify Connect, please visit