048Functions ( ) Self PortraitWhen taking pictures of yourself, the area of your face is automaticallydetected so that you can take self pictures more easily and quickly.1. For self-¿ lming, set the camera lenstowards the face of the object.It automatically detects the face of theobject, and emits a guiding sound.2. Start ¿lming by pressing the shutterbutton. When locating the face in the center of the screen, it repeatedlyemits a faster sound unlike the sounds that are emitted whenthe face is not in the center. The guiding sound can be set using the sound setting menu.(p.62)Ŷ Smart face detectionThe camera registers the frequentlydetected faces of up to 17 people. Focusand exposure for the registered faces areadjusted automatically in order of priority.The order of priority for the registeredfaces can be checked in graphs. However,the smart face detection function is availableonly when inserting an external memory card.- When a registered face is not detected:operates the same as with the facedetection function.- When a registered face is detected:a priority level is indicated on thedetected face.- When more than two registered facesare detected: order of priority is indicatedon the detected faces.Ɣ The same person can be recognised as a different person and viceversa depending on glasses, brightness, extreme change of pose orfacial expressions.Ɣ If you register a new face when 17 faces are already registered, the17th face with the lowest priority is switched with the newly addedface.Ɣ A maximum of 3 people can be registered in a scene.Ɣ If the camera doesn’t recognise a registered face, it detects the face regard-less of the priority.Ɣ Even though a face is not registered, a face detection graph may appear ifthe face detection ratio is good.Ɣ Categorizing pictures is available in the playback mode according to thepriority of faces (p. 73).Ɣ Even though a face is recognised, it may not be categorized in the SmartAlbum according to the priority.Ɣ Faces can be registered manually in the playback mode (p. 87).