3-10 ManualUsing the Memory Stick Slot (Optional)In recent, Memory Stick is popular as a removable storage device likefloppy diskette. It is widely used for many digital products like digitalcamera, PDA, etc. Users can easily install Memory Stick to save andremove data in it.1. Slightly slide Memory Stick into the slot.2. Double-click My Computer to represent Memory Stick.3. To remove Memory Stick, slightly push the end of the Memory Stick. When theMemory Stick is ejected, pull it out.CC aa uu tt ii oo nn Restrictions for using a Memory Stick/Memory Stick ProMemory Sticks and Memory Sticks Pro (256MB ~ 1GB, about 1 MB/s data rate)can only be used as data saving devices. The copyright protection function is notsupported for these memory sticks.To use memory stick in other digital devicesIf you want to use a memory stick with other digital devices, such as a digitalcamera, you are recommended to format the memory stick in the digital device.If you have formatted the memory stick in the computer, you may have to reformatit in the digital device.To protect data in a memory stickTo prevent overwriting or deleting the data in the memory stick, move the slidelock to the "Lock" position.To remove a memory stick after an operation such as format,copy, and delete in the Windows 2000 operating system.Due to a problem in Windows, you have to wait for more than 20 seconds beforeremoving the memory stick for proper operation.To use a Memory Stick DuoInsert a Memory Stick Duo into the Memory Stick Duo adapter and insert theadapter into the Memory Stick slot of the computer.To Re-install the Memory Stick (Card) DriverThe Memory Stick (Card) needs to be removed prior to installing the driver. If thedriver is installed when the Memory Stick (Card) is installed, remove the MemoryStick (Card), then select Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware tab > DeviceManager, remove Other Device and re-install the Memory Stick (Card) driverusing the System Software CD.NN oo tt ee