4-2 ManualConnecting to the InternetThe following options show many ways to connect to the Internet.An appropriate option should be selected depending on the user’s work-ing environment and the user’s system specifications.Option 1 Connecting using a modem and a telephone line.Service has to be applied for and received from an InternetService Provider (ISP) through an Internet service account.Option 2 Connecting using a High-speed communicationnetwork service, such as ADSL and VDSL.Service has to be applied for and received from a High-speedcommunication network service provider. Receiving Internetservice may require support from specific devices.Contact the service provider for details.Option 3 Connecting using a wired LANUse a LAN cable that is already installed in your office orbuilding,Option 4 Connecting using a wireless LANThe Internet can be accessed without a telephone line or a LANcable if there is a Wireless LAN AP (Access Point) nearby.My computer Internet ServiceProviderThe Internet ProviderThe Wireless LAN function is optional.NNN oo tt ee