4-17Chapter 4. Connecting to the Internet• To create a computer-to-computer (Ad Hoc) networkTo create a new computer-to-computer (Ad Hoc) network or to connect to a hid-den access point (Stealth/Closed Mode), refer to the following procedures.1. Click Add in the Networks tab.2. Enter Profile Name and Network name (SSID), select OperatingMode, then click Next.3. Configure password setting to be used for computer-to-computer network connec-tion in the Security Settings window.To connect to an access point, enter the network authentication, data encryption(WEP), key index, and password configured in the access point.4. When a profile creation is completed, the new created profile appears in theprofiles list in the Networks tab. Select corresponding profile, and clickConnect to connect to the created profile.When a wireless connection to the created profile is established, connection icon( ) appears in front of the name of connected profile.A hidden access point is an access point that exists, but is configured not to bedetected by the scan operation to prevent access attempts from unauthorizedusers.NN oo tt eeWhat is a network name (SSID)?Network name (SSID) is a name that a wireless adapter uses for identifying con-nection. Enter the name of a computer-to-computer network (e.g. samsung) or thename of the access point to connect to. The network name identifies cases. (capi-tal and lowercase) For the name of access point, check the settings of the accesspoint, or ask your wireless network administrator.Operating Mode:Infrastructure - Connect to an Access Point - Select to connect to anaccess point.Ad hoc - Connect directly to other computers - Select to createa computer-to-computer (Ad Hoc) network.NN oo tt eeIt is recommended to configure data encryption for security purposes when creat-ing a computer-to-computer network connection profile. For more information onsecurity settings refer to the security settings in Connecting to AP or Help.When you are creating a computer-to-computer network connection profile, thenetwork authentication setting is disabled.NN oo tt ee