124enough to cause ionization of atoms and molecules. Therefore,RF energy is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Other types ofnon-ionizing radiation include visible light, infrared radiation(heat), and other forms of electromagnetic radiation withrelatively low frequencies.While RF energy does not ionize particles, large amounts canincrease body temperatures and cause tissue damage. Twoareas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularlyvulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little bloodflow in them to carry away excess heat.Research Results to Date: Is there a connection between RFand certain health problems?The results of most studies conducted to date say no. In addition,attempts to replicate and confirm the few studies that haveshown a connection have failed.The scientific community at large therefore believes that theweight of scientific evidence does not show an associationbetween exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) from cell phones andadverse health outcomes. Still the scientific community hassupported additional research to address gaps in knowledge.Some of these studies are described below.Interphone StudyInterphone is a large international study designed to determinewhether cell phones increase the risk of head and neck cancer. Areport published in the International Journal of Epidemiology(June, 2010) compared cell phone usage for more than 5,000people with brain tumors (glioma and meningioma) and a similarnumber of healthy controls.Results of this study did NOT show that cell phones caused braincancer. In this study, most people had no increased risk of braincancer from using cell phones. For people with the heaviest useof cell phones (an average of more than ½ hour per day, everyday, for over 10 years) the study suggested a slight increase inbrain cancer. However, the authors determined that biases anderrors prevented any conclusions being drawn from this data.Additional information about Interphone can be found athttp://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2010/pdfs/pr200_E.pdf.Interphone is the largest cell phone study to date, but it did notanswer all questions about cell phone safety. Additional researchis being conducted around the world, and the FDA continues tomonitor developments in this field.International Cohort Study on Mobile Phone Users (COSMOS)The COSMOS study aims to conduct long-term health monitoringof a large group of people to determine if there are any healthissues linked to long-term exposure to radio frequency energy