Messaging 49Gmail account settings1. From the Home screen, touch Gmail .2. Touch the Menu Key ➔ More ➔ Settings for settings:General preferences• Message Actions: Set how you want message actions to show atthe top of the screen. Options are: Always show, Only show inportrait, and Don’t show.• Clear search history: Remove previous searches you performed.• Clear “Show pictures”: Restores the default setting (do not showpictures automatically) for all the people who send you email,including those whose Show pictures setting you may havechanged when reading messages from them.Account settings• General settings– Priority Inbox: This setting is only available if you have configuredGmail on the web to show Priority Inbox. If available, you can set PriorityInbox as the conversation list to open when you have new mail, ratherthan Inbox.– Signature: Create a text signature to add to outgoing messages.– Confirm actions: Have your device prompt you to confirm Archive,Delete, and Send actions.– Reply all: Enable or disable Reply All as the default action whenresponding to messages.– Auto-advance: Choose a screen to show after you delete or archive aconversation.– Message text size: Set the size of text in message displays.– Batch operations: Allow changes to labels on more than oneconversation.– Sync inboxes and labels: Choose which labels are synchronized.• Notification settings:– Email notifications: When enabled, notifications for new email appearin the Status Bar.– Labels to notify: Set notification preferences for synced labels. TouchInbox or Priority Inbox to set your preferences.Add account– Touch Google or Samsung account to add a new account.