142LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OFTHE PRODUCT OR FOR, WITHOUT LIMITATION, COMMERCIALLOSS OF ANY SORT; LOSS OF USE, TIME, DATA, REPUTATION,OPPORTUNITY, GOODWILL, PROFITS OR SAVINGS;INCONVENIENCE; INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL ORPUNITIVE DAMAGES; OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE ORINABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT. SOME STATES ANDJURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, OR THE DISCLAIMER OR LIMITATIONOF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVELIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.SAMSUNG MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THEQUALITY, CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCE ORSUITABILITY OF ANY THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENTUSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PRODUCT, OR THE ABILITY TOINTEGRATE ANY SUCH SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT WITH THEPRODUCT, WHETHER SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT IS INCLUDED WITH THE PRODUCT DISTRIBUTED BYSAMSUNG OR OTHERWISE. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE QUALITY,CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCE AND SUITABILITY OFANY SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT RESTSSOLELY WITH THE USER AND THE DIRECT VENDOR, OWNER ORSUPPLIER OF SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT.Nothing in the Product instructions or information shall beconstrued to create an express warranty of any kind with respectto the Products. No agent, employee, dealer, representative orreseller is authorized to modify or extend this Limited Warranty orto make binding representations or claims, whether inadvertising, presentations or otherwise, on behalf of SAMSUNGregarding the Products or this Limited Warranty. This LimitedWarranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also haveother rights that vary from state to state.What is the procedure for resolving disputes?ALL DISPUTES WITH SAMSUNG ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THISLIMITED WARRANTY OR THE SALE, CONDITION ORPERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS SHALL BE RESOLVEDEXCLUSIVELY THROUGH FINAL AND BINDING ARBITRATION, ANDNOT BY A COURT OR JURY.Any such dispute shall not be combined or consolidated with adispute involving any other person’s or entity’s Product or claim,and specifically, without limitation of the foregoing, shall notunder any circumstances proceed as part of a class action. Thearbitration shall be conducted before a single arbitrator, whoseaward may not exceed, in form or amount, the relief allowed bythe applicable law. The arbitration shall be conducted accordingto the American Arbitration Association (AAA) CommercialArbitration Rules applicable to consumer disputes. This