110Files on a Remote Device1. Touch the Remote device tab, which lists remotedevices available through AllShare.2. Touch a remote device or touch Refresh to look foravailable devices.3. Touch Videos, Photos, or Music to view files on theremote device.4. Touch a file to view or play it.The Select device pop-up displays.5. Touch the playback device.6. Touch and hold a file to download it to your device or toview the details about the file, such as, Title, Datecreated, File location, and so on.Angry BirdsAngry Birds is a fun and addictive puzzle game. You mustslingshot birds with various powers, across the screen todestroy various structures constructed by green pigs, whojust happened to have taken some eggs from the birds. Youcan play Angry Birds with just the touchscreen. No buttons,keys, or joysticks are needed!1. From the Home screen, touch Applications➔ Angry Birds.2. Touch PLAY and follow the on-screen instructions.BooksGoogle eBooks is a new way to discover, buy, and enjoy yourfavorite books online and offline.For more information, refer to “Books” on page 66. From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Books.CalculatorThe calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions:addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You canalso use this as a scientific calculator.Tip: A shortcut to Calculator appears on the main Home screenby default.1. From the Home screen, touch Calculator.– or –From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Calculator.