120MapsUse Google Maps to find your current location, get directions,and other location-based information.For more information, refer to “Maps” on page 77.Tip: A shortcut to Google Maps appears on a Home screen bydefault. From a Home screen, touch Maps.– or –From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Maps.Note: You must enable location services to use Maps. Somefeatures require Standalone or Google location services.For more information, refer to “Location and Security”on page 140.MarketBrowse for new Android applications, games, or downloadsfor your device. You must have a Google account set up onyour device to download a new application.Before using the Android Market you must have a GoogleAccount. For more information, refer to “Gmail” on page 55.Tip: A shortcut to Market appears on a Home screen bydefault.Note: After initial access to Market, the Google Play™ Storeicon displays.1. From a Home screen, touch Market.– or –From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Market.If you are not already logged in with your Googleaccount, you are asked to add an account.