Applications and Widgets 113• Lock time zone: Allows you to lock event times and datesbased on your selected time zone, which is defined by thefollowing field.• Select time zone: If Lock time zone is enabled, used thisoption to select a time zone to lock event times and dates.Notification settings• Set alerts and notifications: Set alert behavior for calendarnotifications.• Vibrate: Set vibration behavior for calendar notifications.• Select ringtone: Choose a tone for calendar notifications.CameraTake photos and record video with your device’s built inCamera. For more information, refer to “Camera” onpage 89. From the Home screen, touch Camera.– or –From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Camera.ChatONUse ChatON to send and receive instant messages from anydevice that has a mobile phone number.For more information, refer to “ChatON” on page 65. From the Home screen, touch Applications➔ ChatON.ClockUse Clock to set an alarm, view the World clock, or accessthe Stopwatch or Timer.AlarmSet alarms for reminders or for wake-up times.Setting Alarms1. From a Home screen, touch Applications➔ Clock.2. Touch the Alarm tab at the top of the Clock screen.3. Touch Create alarm or touch (Menu) ➔ Create.