Samsung iDCS100 System Administration Guide10SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORPROGRAMMINGBefore any customer programs can be accessed, you must first open programming us-ing the customer-level passcode you have been assigned. This, and all subsequentprogramming, must be done using a display keyset.Note: Should it become necessary to change the customer-level passcode, see MMC 201.PROGRAM KEYSThe following keys are used for programming.VOLUME UP (+ or V) Scroll forward through options.VOLUME DOWN (– or W) Scroll backward through options.KEYPAD (0–9, 4 and #) Enter selections in display.SOFT KEYS Move cursor left and right.SPEAKER Store data and advance to next program.TRANSFER (TRSF) Store data and exitHOLD Clear entry in displayOPEN CUSTOMER-LEVEL PROGRAMMING[MMC 200]Opens customer-level programming mode to provide access to system administratorprogramming.ACTION DISPLAY1. Press Transfer (or TRSF) and dial 200 ENABLE CUS. PROG.PASSCODE: _2. Dial the 4-digit passcode.(The passcode is not displayed)ENABLE CUS. PROG.DISABLE3. Dial 1 to select ‘ENABLE’ORENABLE CUS. PROG.ENABLEPress VOLUME up or down key to select4. Press the SPEAKER key. 201: CUS. PASSCODESELECT PROG ID5. Dial the 3-digit program (MMC) code you want toaccess (e.g. 201)ORScroll through MMC codes using the VOLUME keysand press the SPEAKER key to select.Follow the instructions for your selected program. Some programs are described in thissection. For other programs, refer to the Samsung Combined Programming Manual.