22_ operating22_ operatingUSING THE COOLSELECTZONE™ DRAWER (OPTIONAL)The CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer is designed to makeyour busy life just a little bit easier.Soft FreezeWhen “Soft Freeze” is selected on the CoolSelectZone™ Drawer, the temperature on the drawerdigital panel displays -5 °C, regardlessof the overall temperature setting of therefrigerator. This feature helps keep meatand fi sh fresh for longer.ChillWhen “Chill” is selected, the temperatureof the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer iskept at -1 °C, regardless of the overalltemperature setting of the refrigerator.This feature also helps keep meat or fishfresh for longer.ThawWhen “Thaw” is selected, warm and cold air isalternately blown into the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer.Depending on the weight of the frozen food, youcan select a 4 hrs, 6 hrs, 10 hrs, and 12 hrs thawingtime.When “Thaw” ends, food is in a half-frozen state,making it easy to cut for cooking. In addition, when“Thaw” ends, the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer returnsto the original “Chill” condition. To cancel thisfunction mid-cycle, just press any button besidesThaw.Here are the approximate thawing times of meatand fi sh by weight (and based on a 25.4 mm (1in.)thickness). This chart represents the total weight offood in the CoolSelect Zone™ Drawer.THAW TIME WEIGHT4 hours 363 g (0.8 Ib)6 hours 590 g (1.3 Ib)10 hours 771 g (1.7 Ib)12 hours 1000 g (2.2 Ib)For more space, you canstore food with GuardFRE-UPP instead of theice bucket ( 1 ). If youremove the ice bucket,ICE OFF will blink on thedisplay panel.To get more space, youcan remove the freezerupper and lower drawerssince it does not affectthermal and mechanicalcharacteristics. But, putthe “Shelf Fre Bottom”on the bottom of thefreezer compartment. A declared storagevolume of frozen food storage compartmentis calculated with the drawer(s) removed.The door guards in the freezer of thismodel are the two star sections except thetop guard, so the temperature in two starsections are slightly higher than other freezercompartment.1GUARD FRE-UPPGUARD FRE-UPP(Optional)(Optional)SHELF FRE- BOTTOMSHELF FRE- BOTTOM(Optional)(Optional)DA68-02924A-06.indb 22DA68-02924A-06.indb 22 2015. 6. 17. 2:482015. 6. 17. 2:48