safety information _07• Manufacturer’s recommendedstorage times and expiry datesof frozen foods should beadhered to. Refer to relevantinstructions.• Bottles should be storedtightly together so that they donot fall out.• Do not place carbonatedor fizzy drinks in the freezercompartment• Do not overfill the refrigeratorwith food.- When you open the door, anitem may fall out and causepersonal injury or materialdamage.• Do not put bottles or glasscontainers in the freezer.• When the contents freeze, theglass may break and causepersonal injury.• Do not spray inflammable gasnear the refrigerator.- There is a risk of explosion orfi re.• Do not directly spraywater inside or outside therefrigerator.- There is a risk of fi re or electricshock.• Do not store volatile orflammable substances in therefrigerator.- The storage of benzene,thinner, alcohol, ether, LP gasand other such products maycause explosions.• If you have a long vacationplanned, it is advisable toempty the appliance or usethe vacation function.• Do not store pharmaceuticalsproducts, scientific materialsor temperature-sensitiveproducts in the refrigerator.- Products that require stricttemperature controls must notbe stored in the refrigerator.• Do not put a container filledwith water on the refrigerator.- If spilled, there is a risk of fi reor electric shock.• Do not apply strong shockor excessive force onto thesurface of glass.- Broken glass may result in apersonal injury and/or propertydamage.CAUTION SIGNS FORCLEANING• Never put fingers orother objects into thedispenser hole and icechute.- It may cause personal injury ormaterial damage.CAUTIONDA68-02924A-06.indb 07DA68-02924A-06.indb 07 2015. 6. 17. 2:482015. 6. 17. 2:48