27 Make and Answer CallsCallingPlace a New Call While on a CallIf your service plan supports this feature, you canmake another call while a call is in progress.1. From the active call, tap Add call to dial thesecond call.2. Dial the new number and tap Dial. Whenthe call is answered:• Tap Swap to switch between the twocalls.• Tap Merge to hear both callers at once(multi-conferencing).Call WaitingIf your service plan supports this feature, you cananswer an incoming call while you have a call inprogress. You are notified of an incoming call by acall waiting tone.To answer a new call while you have a call inprogress:1. Drag Answer in any direction to answer thenew call.2. Tap an option:• Put [caller] on hold to place the previouscaller on hold while you answer the newincoming call.• Merge with [caller] to add the new caller tothe current call.• End call with [caller] to end the previous calland answer the new call.3. Tap the previous On hold number entry andselect Swap to switch between the two calls.This places the new caller on hold and activatesthe previous call.Video Call OptionsTo change the call type during a video call:1. Tap Call type.2. Tap either Show me or Hide me.- The option depends on whether yourcamera is currently on or off.Voice call: Change the video call to avoice-only call.•Cancel: Do not change the call type.•Call LogThe numbers of the calls you have dialed, received,or missed are stored in the Call log.1. From a Home screen, tap Phone.2. Tap Log. A list of recent calls is displayed. If thecaller is in your Contacts list, the caller’s name isdisplayed.Save a Recent Call to Your Contacts ListUse recent call information to create a contact orupdate your Contacts list.1. From a Home screen, tap Phone > Log.2. Tap the call that contains the information that youwant to save to your Contacts list.3. Tap Create contact.– or –If you want to replace the number for an existingcontact, tap Update existing.Delete a Call from the Call LogTo delete Call log entries:1. From a Home screen, tap Phone > Log.2. Touch and hold the call you want to delete fromthe Call log.3. Tap Delete.