UsersShare this tablet with multiplepeople by creating Useraccounts.• Users have their own space, which they cancustomize with their own apps, wallpaper, andso on. Users can also adjust tablet settings thataffect everyone, such as Wi-Fi.Set Up User ProfilesSet up user profiles and then select one whenunlocking the device to use personalized settings.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings.2. Tap Users.3. Tap Add user and follow the instructions toset up a new user profile.Delete a UserTo delete a user profile:1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings.2. Tap Users.3. Tap Settings next to a User profile, and thentap Delete user.Note: Only the device owner can delete other Useraccounts.User Phone Calls and SMSTo turn on phone calls and share SMS history witha user:1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Settings.2. Tap Users.3. Tap Settings next to a User profile, tapAllow phone calls, and then tap OK.Use User ProfilesTo access the device with a user profile:1. Drag the Status bar down to display theNotification panel.2. Tap Manage Users, and then tap a profile.Change User AccountNicknames and Photo IDsThe photo and name each user uses in theirpersonal Contact entry (listed under My profile atthe top of their Contacts list) is used as their User IDand name.To change their ID photo and name, each usercan edit their personal Contact entry. For moreinformation, see Edit a Contact.Settings 83 Users