18V-GUIDE OPERATIONUse this feature to supervise television viewing for young children. This television can beset to automatically block programs with content you deem as inappropriate for yourchildren to view, including: suggestive dialog, adult language, sexual situations, violence,and fantasy violence.The ability of the television to block the reception of specific programming contentdepends upon several conditions: 1) The program must be rated, 2) Networks must broad-cast the rating code data, 3) Cable companies must transmit the rating code signal, and 4)The TV must be properly setup to decode the signal.The TV guidelines rating icon will generally appear at the upper left hand corner of yourTV screen.SETTING MPAA MOVIE RATING1. Press the V-GUIDE key on the remotecontrol to display menu.2. Press the key to switch V-Guide ON.3. Press the key again. Then use the/ keys to highlight rating.4. Press the MENU key to Block (B) orUnblock (U) selected rating. (➡ Arrowindicates selection.)5. Press the key to return to the V-GuideOptions menu.SETTING AGE-BASED GUIDELINES6. Use the / keys to highlight TVParental Guidelines.7. Press the key. Then use the /keys to highlight rating.8. Press the MENU key to Block (B) orUnblock (U) selected rating.(➡ Arrow indicates selection.)SETTING CONTENT-BASEDGUIDELINES9. Follow steps 6 and 7. Use the /keys to highlight Content.V-GUIDEMPAA Movie RatingsTV Parental GuidelinesPress MENU key to BLOCKUse , – + keys to selectPress V-GUIDE key to exitV-GUIDEMPAA Movie RatingsTV Parental GuidelinesPress MENU key to setUse , – + keys to selectPress V-GUIDE key to exitQuickTips The TV will automati-cally block (B) ratingsabove or unblock (U)ratings below selec-tion. For example, ifyou block rating R,NC17 and X will beblocked as well. Blocking TVY7does not block higherratings. You can block acontent rating suchas TVPG-V andstill be able to watchTVPG programs withratings of S-L-Dprovided TVPG isunblocked (U). To view Blocked (B)programs, setV-GUIDE to OFF, orpress the RESET keytwice to clear allBlocked (B) ratingsand customizedsettings. When in the V-Guidemenu system, the/ keys allows youto navigate betweenthe ratings and theoptions menu.Need help?visit our website atwww.sanyoctv.comorCall 1-800-877-5032TVMA BTV14 BTVPG B➡ TT VV-- GG BBTVY7 UTV-Y UContentTVMA BTV14 BTVPG BTV-G BTVY7 UTV-Y U➡ CC oo nn tt ee nn ttV-GUIDEMPAA Movie RatingsTV Parental GuidelinesX BNC17 B➡ RR BBPG13 UPG UG UPress MENU key to BLOCKUse , – + keys to selectPress V-GUIDE key to exit