– 33 –PICTURE SCREEN ADJUSTMENT (VIDEO MODE)This projector has the Wide function, which enables you to view a wider video image.WIDE functionThis projector is able to project not only a normal video image (with 4 x 3 aspect ratio), but also a wider video image bycompressing 4 x 3 image. This feature enable you to enjoy watching pictures like cinema images. You can switch either toWIDE or to REGULAR screen mode.1. Press the MENU BUTTON and the MAIN MENU DISPLAY dialog box will appear.2. Press the POINT LEFT/RIGHT BUTTON(s) to select SCREEN and press the SELECT (REAR CLICK) BUTTON. Anotherdialog box SCREEN ADJUST DISPLAY will appear.3. Press the POINT DOWN BUTTON and a red arrow will appear.4. To switch to “Wide” mode, move the arrow to Wide by pressing the POINT UP/DOWN BUTTON(s) and then press theSELECT (REAR CLICK) BUTTON.5. To switch to “Regular” mode, move the arrow to Regular by pressing the POINT UP/DOWN BUTTON(s) and then pressthe SELECT (REAR CLICK) BUTTON.6. The “Wide” settings remains effective until the MAIN ON/OFF switch is turned off.MAIN MENU DISPLAYSCREEN ADJUSTDISPLAY