FILE NO.SERVICE MANUALREFERENCE NO. SM5110783-00PRODUCT CODE :PLC-XF46N KF6A 1 122 342 00 U.S.A., CanadaPLC-XF46E LF6A 1 122 343 00 Europe, Asia, AfricaPLC-XF46E LF6C 1 122 343 02 U.K.Multimedia ProjectorGive complete “CHASSIS NO."for parts order or servicing, it isshown on the rating sheet on thecabinet of the Projector.Chassis No. KF6-XF46N00LF6-XF46E00NOTE: Match the Chassis No. on the ratingsheet on the cabinet with theChassis No. in the Service Manual.If the Original Version ServiceManual Chassis No. does notmatch the unites, additionalService Literature is required. Youmust refer to “Notices” to theOriginal Service Manual prior toservicing the unit.MODEL NO. PLC-XF46NU.S.A., CANADAPLC-XF46EEurope, U.K.(Projection lens is optional.)Original VersionTENTATIVE