- 62 -Troubleshooting● No Audio Output SLOT - SELECTIC9002ASS'Y CGMOTHERK90Q K8A K8JASS'Y_MAIN133IC5004IC1801I/OEXPANDER35K90CK90ELRMONITOR OUTASS'Y_RS232CK38HLRLRTerminal board- DVISLOT_1AUDIO INPUT33122K90DK90FK80HLRTerminal board- ComponentSLOT_2AUDIO INPUT33122K10HLRTerminal board- AVSLOT_3AUDIO INPUT33122K3101LRTerminal board- DSUB-15SLOT_4AUDIO INPUT33122K71HLR1737363831 LRSP_OFFAudio signal processing circuit - Check Point -Terminal board DVI, Component, AV, andDSUB-15.1. Check that the R and L signals are correct.Pins122(R) and 33(L).K80H, K10H, K3101, K71H.Assembly CG-Mother1. Check that the R and L signals are correct.Pins 3(R) and 13(L) of IC9002.Assembly Main1. Check that the Vcc-voltages are correct.2. Check that the L and R input signals are cor-rect.Pins 5(L) and 3(R) of IC50043. Check that the IC5004 output signals are cor-rect.Pins 7(L) and 1(R) of IC5004.Assembly RS232C1. Check that the L and R output signals are cor-rect.● No Power6.35V 6.35V S3.3V16V9V-6VS9.6VS6.35V5VB16VA-5V16VBFAN_A24VFAN_A24V FAN_B12V FAN_B12VK66AK66E K66FK66DK66GUNIT_SUB-POWERFAN-ON/OFF FAN-A ADJ.FAN-A ADJ.FAN-A ADJ.PWR-SWSCL/SDASCL/SDAQ23Q2Q9Q6IC6I/O EXPIC5I/O EXPIC1CONTROLIC2CONTROLQ12Q14Q16Q18Q1 Q5FAN-ON/OFFFAN-ON/OFFFAN-B ADJ.FAN-C ADJ.FAN_C12V-6V16VFAN_C12VFL FL FL62132 32132-3 5-6 7 92315,1628 9 1 13 19 25 27 29FAN-B ADJ.FAN-C ADJ.TO MAIN BOARD "K8D"FROM POWER BOARD"K6D"FROM SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY"A902"1K66LPF25VTP7614TP7611 PWR-SWPWR-SWCheck the Unit_ Sub Power.