NOTE : Temperature monitor operationThe temperature monitor system is provided to prevents damageof optical components (the LCD panel and polarization film etc.)inside a projector from overheat. Two protection systems are pro-vided. Each system operation as follows :------ The temperature monitor -1: -----------------------------------■ To control the air-flow of the cooling fans.The CPU checks the temperature and atmospheric pressureinside a projector. It checks a temperature using temperature sen-sor-IC5801 and it checks an atmospheric pressure using pressuresensor-IC886. The CPU judges data from sensors and controlsthe air flow of the cooling fans so the temperature inside the pro-jector is maintained to normal temperature.■ To shut down the projector urgent.The CPU checks temperature of LCD panel periphery(PTH901) andinhalation air(IC5801). If each part temperature reaches to abnor-mal temperature, the CPU will turn off the projector, and will blinkWARNING TEMP. indicator at intervals of 0.5 seconds. Coolingfans operate until temperature returns to normal. Indicator will stopblink, if temperature returns to normal.------ The temperature monitor -2 : ----------------------------------■ Temperature check of lamps :Temperature switches are arranged near the lamps.Temperature switches will operate, if temperature reaches 110degrees. When temperature switches become open, they cut off12V_PFC line, the power failure "PF_TH" signal become Low,and then the CPU will shut down the projector, and b oth ofREADY and WARNING TEMP. indicators will start flash-ing.NOTE : SENSORS OPERATION■ The sensor's operation is as follows:IC886 : For FAN controlPTH901 : Abnormal temperature detectionIC2541 : Inside air temperature monitorIC5801 : Abnormal temperature detectionand for FAN controlWARNING TEMP. indica-tor (red) blink?The projector is turned offwhen the temperaturearound the LCD panelreaches abnormal temper-ature. And a WARNINGTEMP. indicator blinks.- 63 -The temperatureswitch is operated?If the temperaturearound FET reaches85 degrees, a PFCcircuit will be shutdown.The temperature switchis operated?When the temperaturearound a lamp driverreaches 85 degrees, thelamp ballast will be shutdown and a lamp errorsignal changes from L toH.Temperature sensors location can be seenon "protections"( page-7).Troubleshooting● Temperature AbnormalityIC1801I/O EXPANDERIC801CPUR/CFANFANASS'YPOWERUNIT_SUB POWERNOISEFILTERACSENSORACINPUTBALLAST1/2/3/4P.F.C.1/2/3/4LAMP_1/2/3/4PTH901TEMP. SENSORIC2541TEMP. SENSORIC5801TEMP. SENSORIC886PRESSURE SENSORINDICATORSFANCONTROLFANCONTROLBUFFERRESET KEYSW902LAMP COVER SWDC-DCCONVERTERSW903/904/905/906THERMAL SWMAINSSWFUSESWITCHINGPOWERSUPPLYPRIMARY CIRCUITPF_FANSPOWERFAILPOWERFAIL12VA12VPF_THLAMP1/2/3/4PF_PFC1/2/3/4PWR_SWBLAST_ERR1/2/3/4BLAST_SW1/2/3/4IIC122123985143125Check FANcircuits.Check thetemperatureswitches.