Multimedia ProjectorSERVICE MANUALPRodUCt CodE1 122 371 00 (KY6A)1 122 372 00 (LY6A)1 122 372 02 (LY6C)original VersionREFERENCE NO. SM5110816-00FILE NO.Model No. PLC-XL40U.S.A. CanadaEurope, U.KChassis No. KY6-XL4000NotE: Match the Chassis No. on the unit's back coverwith the Chassis No. in the Service Manual.If the original Version Service ManualChassis No. does not match the unit’s, addi-tional Service Literature is required. You mustrefer to “Notices” to the Original Service Manualprior to servicing the unit.K! RoHS• This product does not contain any hazardous sub-stances prohibited by the RoHS Directive. (You willfind “RSF” mark near the rating plate on the RoHScompliant product.)! WARNING• You are requested to use RoHS compliant parts formaintenance or repair.• You are requested to use lead-free solder.