PLC-XU4000 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications17 / 748. Functional Execution Command8.1 Format1. PC issues commands in format as below:Pattern1: “CF_COMMAND” [CR]Pattern2: “CF_COMMAND_”%1 [CR]CF_ : HeaderCOMMAND : Character line%1 : Parameter (Character line)_ : Space (To separate COMMAND and Parameter)2. The projector decodes the received command and when it is ready to receive the nextcommand, it returns the response.“000” [CR] : (0x06, 0x0D) When receiving Functional Execution Command“nnn” [CR] : Except “000” , when it is unable to execute command by any specific reason.See Error Code Table for details3. When the received data cannot be decoded, the projector returns “?” [CR]8.2 Transfer ExampleWhen setting projector’s total dots to 1344 by Expand Serial CommandPC → PJ: ”CF_TDOTS_1344” [CR]PC ← PJ: “000”[CR] - - - - - - - - - - - Acceptable8.3 Operation Requirements1) Functional Execution Command is limited when the projector status is as below.However, Status Read Command is effective even under these conditions.Projector Status Available Functional Execution CommandIn Standby C00: POWER ONCountdown in processC00: POWER ON(Terminates Countdown)C01: POWER OFFC02: POWER OFF(Terminates Countdown)Cooling down in process N/ACooling down in process due to AbnormalTemperature N/AAbnormal Temperature N/APower Failure(For 60 seconds after Power Failure occurred) N/APower Save / Cooling down in process N/APower Save in process C00: POWER ONC01: POWER OFFNote:) When the projector receives the other command in this above status, it returnserror code to show the status.When the projector receives the following functional execution commands, OSDmenu is closed except for pop-up menu2) When Eco mode is selected in Standby mode of Setting menu and projector is in Standby,Functional Execution Commands are invalid.