17BEFORE OPERATIONREADYLAMPLAMPREPLACEWARNINGTEMP.READY indicator LAMP indicatorLAMP REPLACE indicatorThis indicator lights greenwhen a projector is ready tobe turned on. And it flashesgreen in Power Managementmode or internal projectortemperature is to high.(P39, 41)This indicator is dim when aprojector is turned on. Andbright when a projector is instand-by mode.INDICATORSWARNING TEMP. indicatorThis indicator flashes redwhen internal projectortemperature is too high.(P41)WARNINGTEMP.READYLAMPREPLACELAMPFRONT INDICATORSREAR INDICATORSThis LAMP REPLACEindicator lights yellow whenany of Projection Lamps isnearing its end, and flasheswhen any of them becomesout. Check which lampneeds to be replaced onLamp Status Display.(P42-43)