MT27S-AP/LA Chassis Aliment procedurePRELIMINARY INFORMATION ----- SUBJECT TO CHANGE 42.2 Factory MenuFactory MenuName Default Description StatusHOTKEY OFF Factory Menu shortcut button switchThe item must be disabled (OFF) after productionOKWARM- UP OFF OFF: Normal mode. Display blue screen when no signal. Turn toautomatically standby mode if keep the signal unavailable over15 minutes.ON: Aging mode. Display RedˈBlueˈGreenˈWhite Scene when nosignal. The set will not turn to standby even if the unavailability ofsignal, Press MENU of KEY TO exitOKWB >> White Balance Adjustment ( see details below) OKSHOP Init DO It is crucial that the function is executed after production aim to clearinformation of production process, ensure user cannot access toFactory Menu after executing the item.OKNVM RESET DO Restore default value except WB OKPre Channel DO Preset the channel table of factory. Option: HZ, WX, NMG, ORION e.g.To preset the channel table of certain factory, firstly, choose thecorresponding factory name, then press OK button of remote controland wait until the disappearance of Factory Menu,OKPowerMode LAST/STB ON: the set will power on after switching on power.STB: the set will remain standby status after switching on power.Last: the set will turn to the status in which it lies when last switchingoff.If without requirement from certain customer,by default, the Setting should be Last for MT27S-AP and STB forMT27S-LAOKDesignMenu1 DO exclusively used by R&D engineer OKDesignMenu2 DO exclusively used by R&D engineer OKSound Curve DO Exclusively used by R&D. OKLogo ON/OFF DO Display TCL Logo or not. On : display,Off: not displayOKVER. DO software version, release date e.g., OKRFFILTER Exclusively used by R&D. ok