MT27S-AP/LA Chassis Aliment procedurePRELIMINARY INFORMATION ----- SUBJECT TO CHANGE 84.1 HOTEL MENU BackIT off Exclusively used by R&D ok4.1.1 Accessing way:a. Hotel Menu(enable)item is enabled(on)b. press Menu button of remote control,then selectContrast item of Picture submenu.Finally, press 9, 7, 1, 5 consecutively.HOTEL MENUName Default Description StatusPOWERLOGOON LOGO select OKCH LOCK OFF Channel scan lock. OKMAX VOL 100 Max volume OKAUTO SET OFF The switch of PIC, SOUND etc.When it is ON, these items are selectable.OKPIC MODE user Picture mode. OKSOUNDMODEuser Sound mode OKPOWERVOL.25 Default volume when power on OKPOWERSIGNALTV Default signal source when power on OKPOWERCHANNEL1 Default channel no. when power on OKKEY LOCK OFF Lock the keys. OKSAVE DATATO USBDO Save the settings of TV to USB OKWrite Datafrom USBDO Copy the settings of USB TO TV OK