MT27S-AP/LA Chassis Aliment procedurePRELIMINARY INFORMATION ----- SUBJECT TO CHANGE 143. FAQ1) Why there is no picture after upgrading software or changing project ID?It may be caused by fault of project ID. You can try below method to fixthe problem.a. If the resolution of the panel of your set is 1366×768(HD panel), you can press062598,Menu, and Number(HD panel projectID) of remote control in series afterturning on.b. If the resolution of the panel of your set is 1920×1080(FHD panel), youcan press 062598,Menu, and Number(FHD panel projectID) in series afterturning on.c. If you can see the picture at this time, please recheck the project ID again. Ifthe project ID is still wrong, correct it reference to above description.