8 TM8000 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit Application ManualSeptember 2003 © Tait Electronics LtdPrefaceScope of ManualThis manual contains a description of the radio interfaces and informationon how to integrate third-party products and create internal and control-head options boards for TM8105 and TM8115 radios.Enquiries and CommentsIf you have any enquiries regarding this manual, or any comments, suggestionsand notifications of errors, please contact Technical Support, Tait ElectronicsLtd, Christchurch, New Zealand (refer to “Contact Information” onpage 2).Purchase of the 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit entitles you to telephonesupport by your regional Tait service organisation (for telephone numbersrefer to the TaitWorld website). Tait also offers the ability to log questions viathe internet using the Tait FOCUS call management system. Please contactyour local Tait service organisation for login details. The Tait FOCUS systemsallows you to raise technical enquiries directly on Tait via the Internet andview the progress of that issue through to resolution. This application allowsyou to contribute to the issue resolution and also upload and download anyrequired files to speed up the problem resolution process.Updates of Manual and EquipmentIn the interests of improving the performance, reliability or servicing of theequipment, Tait Electronics Ltd reserves the right to update the equipment orthis manual or both without prior notice.CopyrightAll information contained in this manual is the property of Tait ElectronicsLtd. All rights are reserved. This manual may not, in whole or in part, becopied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, stored, or reduced to anyelectronic medium or machine-readable form, without prior writtenpermission from Tait Electronics Limited.All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark or registeredtrademark of the respective manufacturers.