11■ Use the radio only with Tait-approved antennasand attachments, and make only authorizedmodifications to the antenna otherwise youcould damage the radio and violate FCCregulations.For more information on what RF energy is andhow to control your exposure to it, visit the FCCwebsite at www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety/rf-faqs.html.Compliance with RF energy exposurestandardsThis two-way radio complies with these RFenergy exposure standards and guidelines:■ United States Federal CommunicationsCommission, Code of Federal Regulations(CFR) Title 47 Parts 1.1307, 1.1310,and 2.1091.■ American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1992.■ Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition.This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRPexposure limits for occupational/controlled RFexposure environments at operating duty factorsof up to 50% talk to 50% listen.Radio frequency emissions limits in the USAPart 15 of the FCC Rules imposes RF emissionlimits on receivers.This radio complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the condition thatthis device does not cause harmful interference.