16Radio protection when charging the vehicle batteryAlways remove the fuses from the radio powercable before charging the vehicle battery,connecting a second battery, or using power fromanother vehicle (e.g. when jump-startingthe vehicle).Electromagnetic compatibility in European vehiclesInstallation of this product in a vehicle must beperformed according to the instructions providedby the vehicle manufacturer. For moreinformation, refer to the vehicle manufacturer’swebsite or contact the vehicle manufacturer’sdealer.Mobile radios should be installed in accordancewith the FCS1362:2016 UK Code of Practice.Notice Failure to install the product correctly mayvoid the vehicle’s type-approval. The owner couldbe held responsible for any damage resulting fromvehicle failure that can be attributed to RF energyinterfering with the vehicle systems.Unapproved modifications or changes to radioThe radio is designed to satisfy the applicablecompliance regulations. Do not makemodifications or changes to the radio that are notexpressly approved by Tait International Limited.Failure to do so could invalidate compliancerequirements and void the user’s authority tooperate the radio.