22Dual radio display states and descriptionsThe following table lists various states of the radiodisplay, and the implications for transmitting andreceiving.Display DescriptionSingle Tx/Rx ModeThe radio system willreceive and transmit on theforeground radio only.Dual Rx ModeThe radio system willreceive on both radios, andtransmit on the foregroundradio only.Dual Transmit ModeThe radio system willreceive and transmit onboth radios.Repeater ModeReceived signals on eitherradio will be transmitted onthe other radio. If initiatinga transmission, the radiosystem will transmit onboth radios a.a. This only applies when both radios are operating on analogchannels (not digital channels).R1:Channel 12MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3MenuR1:Channel 12R2: Channel 3Menu