Takara Belmont RS Adria II Operating Manual
28To ensure that this product can be used for a long period of time, conduct the inspections below.Procedures for Daily Inspections (Continued)ƑIs the drain blocked? ƑCheck that the drain is not blockedwith the drain cap, towel orshampoo cloth.ƑIs there are any waterscale or dirt blockingthe spray nozzle?Ƒ5HPRYHWKHVSUD\QR]]OHIURPWKHshower head and check that thereis no water scale or dirt on it (seepage 18, 19).Ƒ8VHDQLWHPVXFKDVDWRRWKEUXVKWRUHPRYHDQ\dirt such as water scale and clean the sprayQR]]OH/HDYLQJWKHVSUD\QR]]OHXQFOHDQHGZLOOlead to blockage, and water may not be outputfrom the shower head properly.ƑHas the water stop knobbeen turned firmly?ƑTurn the water stop knob firmly in aclockwise direction and check thatƑ5HPRYHWKHREMHFWWKDWLVEORFNLQJWKHGUDLQ,IWKHdrain is blocked, water that is turned onaccidentally or a slight trickle of water due to anincrease in water pressure at night may causewater to spill from the basin, leading to waterleakage.ƑTurn the water stop knob firmly and turn the wateroff properly. If the water does not turn offcompletely, there may be a malfunction in the stopYDOYHVRIWKHZDWHUVWRSNQRE&ORVHWKHVWRSYDOYHVLQWKHZDWHUVXSSO\SLSHDQGKRWZDWHUsupply pipe (see page 20, 21), and stop using theproduct immediately.Ŷ,WHPVWKDWPXVWEHLQVSHFWHGDIWHUFORVLQJIRUWKHGD\ƑIs there any waterleaking within thebasin?Ƒ 5HPRYHWKHEDVLQPDLQWHQDQFHFRYHUDQGFKHFNWKDWWKHUHLVQRwater leaking from the internalpipes or water taps (see page 20,21).ƑIf water is leaking from the pipes, the pipes orpacking may be worn, degraded or damaged.&ORVHWKHVWRSYDOYHVLQWKHZDWHUVXSSO\SLSHDQGhot water supply pipe (see page 20, 21), and stopusing the product immediately.Ŷ,WHPVWKDWPXVWEHLQVSHFWHGRQFHHDFKZHHNƑDoes the temperaturecontrol knob workproperly?ƑTurn the temperature control knob,check that the water temperature isDGMXVWHGSURSHUO\DQGWKDWWKHUHLVno abnormal noise. * An abnormalgushing sound may be emitted as water flows.(see page 13)Ƒ,IWKHZDWHUWHPSHUDWXUHFDQQRWEHDGMXVWHGproperly or if there is abnormal noise, there maybe a problem with the thermostat within the basin.Stop using the product immediately.ƑCan the basin be filledwith water?Ƒ&KHFNWKDWWKHGUDLQFDSFDQEHXVHGto block the drain and that waterfilling the basin does not drain.Ƒ:KHQWKHZDWHUGHFUHDVHVTXLFNO\WKHUHLVDpossibility that the drain cap gasket hasdeteriorated. The drain cap gasket is aconsumable part. Immediately replace it. (Seepage 17.)Inspection itemInspection itemInspection itemInspection methodInspection methodInspection methodIf the inspection results show defectsIf the inspection results show defectsIf the inspection results show defects%HOPRQW+RXVH2QH6W$QGUHZV:D\%RZ/RQGRQ(3$8.3ULQWHGLQ8.7$.$5$%(/02177(/ )$; |
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