IntroductionThis User’s Manual describes the sum of all EPSON Escape sequences, regardless ofthe specific EPSON emulation used by your printer. The only differentiation is made be-tween 9 and 24 needle printers as well as the maximum possible paper width of 8 inches(80 column printer) or 13.6 inches (136 column printer). Please note that the print qualityLQ (Letter Quality) is only available in the 24 needle printer.Please be sure to observe the notes and steps described in the Operator’s Manual aswell as the specific EPSON emulations implemented in your printer and which of thedescribed sequences are thus not available for that specific emulation.Select the EPSON mode as described in the Operator’s Manual. Selecting this emulationmode will automatically select the Epson character set.Read the Operator’s Manual to see whether it is also possible to use ANSI (MTPL)sequences in addition to the special Epson sequences.The following explanations will help you understand the sequences better:Every sequence description begins with a header, in which the function and the shortform of the sequence are listed without parameters, e.g.:Setting the form length in lines ESC CSetting the form length in inches ESC C NULThe ESC control code (hex. 1B, dec. 27) introduces every Escape sequence. The charac-ters following the ESC control code (here C) determine the sequence’s function.2 Introduction