31[Auto Download Method and Time Settings]Download Daily at Set TimeWill download at selected time once a day.Enter using 24-hour clock. (4:00pm=16:00).Download at Set Interval Will automatically download at selected timeinterval. Enter an interval of more than 1 hour and less than 24 hours.NOTE:The method and time settings must be the same for all units in the same group.(The latest setting will go into effect for units in that group. )If you need to make any changes to your computer clock settings, please stop the AutoDownload function and reset after making changes. (for more info see Help Menu)Click [Start Auto Download]. After settings have been made the followingbox will appear. Click [OK].In the Main Window, a [YES] should appear under Auto Download for thoseunits selected. Each Remote Unit can be set to have Auto Download ONor OFF.By going to the [Log] Menu and selecting [Auto Downloading Log] youcan view the history of Auto Downloading activities. Also, by clicking onthe Control Program icon in the task tray you can open the [Show AutoDownload Schedule] to check the schedule for downloading.To stop the Auto Downloading function, click on the desired unit(s) andin the [Communication] Menu, select [Auto Download Start /Stop]. Clickon [Stop Auto Download]. In the Main Window the [YES] under AutoDownload should disappear for selected units. (about data files see p34 ,about graph display see p38)