50If you have a computer with energy saving function settings, make surethat the serial port has not been turned off. Especially on NEC brandPC98 notebook computers the default setting may be such.If your computer is a DOS/V type check to make sure that the serial porthas not been rendered unusable by the BIOS setting.If your computer is Windows 95/98 please make sure that the serial portsetting has not been made to render it unusable. With many all in onecomputers it serves as the modem jack.How to checkIn Windows 98 Open the [System] file in the [Control Panel] (Figure 1).Open the [Device Manager] file in the [System Properties] window anddouble click on [Port (COM&LPT)] (Figure2) to open. Check to see if [ComPort (COM1)] and/or [Com Port (COM2)] are displayed. If so they shouldbe usable unless they have a [!] or a [x] (Figure 3) mark on them, If sucha mark exists, that port is unusable. If you can not use a communicationport please contact your computer' s maker.