4 - Recording operationsTASCAM CD-RW5000 172 Use the DIGITAL INPUT key [9] to selectbetween the three possible digital audiosources:AES/EBU,COAXIAL andOPTICAL.It is assumed that the digital program material hasbeen edited so that there is no clipping. If a digitalsignal goes over the maximum level, audible distor-tion occurs. It is not possible to adjust the level ofdigital audio signals input to the CD-RW5000.If the program material which is to be recorded con-tains track divisions (PQ code or START IDs on aDAT) which you want to use as track divisions whenmaking the CD, use the AUTO/MANUAL key [7] toset the track division mode to AUTO. See 4.3,"Automatic track division" for details.4.2.1 Recording with synchronized startThe synchronized start facility allows recording tostart when the digital start of a track is recognized(coaxial or optical) or when the input level fromAES/EBU sources goes from below –36 dB to abovethis level.There are two different ways in which the sync startfacility can be used: you may wish to record only onetrack from a digital source—SYNC 1.Alternatively, you may simply want to start recordingwhen the source starts playing, and finish recordingwhen the source stops—SYNC ALL.Neither of these modes is available when recordingfrom analog sources.In both cases, it is possible to stop the recordingmanually at any time. NOTEThe CD-RW5000 needs between 150ms and400ms to recognize the start of a track. If theaudio material starts too close (i.e. within thistime) of the logical track start, theCD-RW5000 may not record the very first partof the audio material.When recording using the sync start feature,therefore, make sure that there is a gapbetween the track start and the start of theaudio. If there is not such a gap, you shoulduse a manual start.1 If the audio source is not a CD connected dig-itally to the CD-RW5000, locate the audiosource to a little before the start of the trackyou are recording and enter pause mode onthe source player. If the audio source is a dig-itally-connected CD (coaxial or optical),make sure the CD player is stopped, notpaused.2 Insert a recordable disc into theCD-RW5000.• To record one track only, press the SYNC STARTkey once to showSYNC-1 on the display.• To record more than one track, press the SYNCSTART key twice to showSYNC on the display.• The CD-RW5000 will go into record ready mode(the RECORD and PAUSE key indicators willboth light, and theRECORD indicator will flashin the display).3 Start playing back the audio source.• IfSYNC-1 is selected and the source is inputthrough the coaxial or optical inputs, recordingstarts automatically when the start of a track withinthe digital audio signal is detected, and continuesuntil the start of the next track within the sourcematerial is detected, when recording will stop.• In the case of SYNC-1 being selected, and therecorded signal being input through the AES/EBUinputs, recording will start when the audio levelexceeds –36 dB. It will stop when the signal fallsbelow this level for 20 consecutive seconds.• IfSYNC ALL is selected, recording starts auto-matically when the start of a track within the digitalaudio signal at the optical or coaxial connector isdestected, or when the audio level exceeds –36 dBat the AES/EBU connector.When recording starts, the currently-recording tracknumber is shown, together with the elapsed tracktime. To show how much recording time remains onthe disc, press the DISPLAY key [6] or [34].The recording may be stopped in either of the follow-ing ways:SYNC-1• The start of the next track within the source mate-rial is detected.RecordRecord pause StopSource materialTrack startsCD-RW5000