1-IntroductionTASCAM CD-RW900 1Track searchPress the ∆/˚ search key continuously on thefront panel, or the SEARCH ∆/˚ key on the re-mote control. To stop the search function, simplyrelease the ∆/˚ or the SEARCH key.NOTEThe search function does not operate with MP3discs.Normal searchDirect searchOperation variationsEven if the final “seconds” time value is not input,playback will begin from the selected “minutes”time after pressing the ENTER or PLAY key. Or, ifyou press the READY key, the unit will enter theplayback standby mode at the selected point.Specifying a track number onlyAfter inputting the track number, press the EN-TER or PLAY key to begin playback of that track,or the READY key to cue the track and enter play-back standby mode.NOTEInstead of inputting the three-digit track number, youcan input only the desired track number.Example: To specify track 3, input only “3”.Specifying to the minuteAfter inputting the three-digit track number andthe number of minutes after the start of the track,press the ENTER or PLAY key to begin playbackof that track, or the READY key to cue the trackand enter playback standby mode.Example: To specify 1 min 00 sec from the startof track 2, input “002 001”NOTEFollowing the above example, if “0021” is input, thesame position will be located.By specifying time from the start of a certain track,you can start playback from a specified point of aspecified track.Basic operationDuring stop, play or playback standby modes, usethe number keys on the remote control to inputthe three-digit track number (such as 002 for track2), then the desired elapsed time (***min **sec)from the start of that track.Example: To specify 1 min 30 sec from the startof track 2, input “002 001 30”.During input, the counter in the display will flash.Pressing the CLEAR key cancels the input at anystage during input.NOTERegardless of the time display mode (refer to “Timedisplay switching on page 18), the time from thestart of the specified track is displayed.During stop or playback modes, when the finaldigit is entered, the desired position is automati-cally located and playback will begin from thedesired point. During playback standby mode,at the desired point the unit will enter playbackstandby mode.NOTE≠ If a point which does not exist is entered, DirectSearch time entry mode will be cancelled.≠ The direct search function cannot be used in pro-gram or random mode.≠ For MP3 discs, time cannot be specified within atrack. However, if you input the three-digit tracknumber, playback will begin from the start of thattrack.4−Playback operationsUsing the number keys on the remote control, thenumber of the desired track can be entered direc-tory. Even numbers with two or three digits can beentered easily. For example:Track 9: press ‘9’ and 009 will be displayed.Track 12: press ‘1’ and ‘2’ and 012 will be displayed.Track 103: press ‘1’ and ‘0’ and ‘3’ and 103 will be dis-played.After input, press the PLAY key to start playback.Or, the READY key to cue the track at its head posi-tion and enter playback standby mode.You can also enter the track number and start play-back by pushing the MULTI JOG dial or using theENTER key.NOTEThis function cannot be used in Program or Randommode.Selecting by track number