October 2021 Service and Repair ManualBoom ComponentsPart No. 1303145GT GTH™-1056 2516 Working at the fork end of the boom, pull onthe hydraulic hoses to remove any excessslack in the boom and cable track. Tighten thehose clamps in the horsehead.17 Connect the hydraulic hoses to the auxiliaryports and tilt cylinder.18 Start the machine and fully extend and retractthe boom through a couple of cycles.Turn themachine off.19 Inspect the cable track components for loosefasteners or damage. Verify the hydraulichoses are tight and not kinked. If required,loosen the hose clamps and pull on the hosesto remove any excess slack to readjust thehoses.How to Re place the Retr act Ch ainsHow to Replace the RetractChainsNote: Perform this procedure with the machine ona firm, level surface.1 Start the engine and raise the boom to thehorizontal position.2 Extend the boom approximately 1 inch /2,5 cm. Turn the machine off.3 Working at the pivot end of the boom, removethe cable track top mounting bracket to allowaccess to the 1-2-3 chain anchor.Note: It may also be necessary to remove parts ofthe hose reel assemblies.Component damage hazard.Hoses can be damaged whenthe hose reels and clamps arenot installed. Verify the hoses donot become pinched or bundledup when instructed to extend orretract the boom.4 Using a soft metal drift, remove the pins thatsecure the retract chain anchors to the boomlugs. Note the orientation.5 Remove the anchors from the chains.Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a newone.