October 2021 Service and Repair ManualHydraulic PumpPart No. 1303145GT GTH™-1056 51How to I nstall t he Func tion Pu mpHow to Install the Function Pump1 Carefully install the hydraulic pump onto thetransmission. Install the fasteners and tightento finger tight.2 Torque the fasteners evenly to 85 ft-lbs / 115Nm.3 Install the smaller high pressure hose onto thepump outlet. Torque the fasteners to 27-37 ft-lbs / 37-50 Nm.4 Install the larger low pressure hose onto thepump outlet. Install the hose retaining ringsand fasteners. Torque the fasteners to 55-66 ft-lbs / 74-90 Nm.5 Working at the case drain at the top of thepump, fill the pump with hydraulic fluid untilthe fluid is at the top of the case drain fitting.6 Install the case drain hose onto the pump andtorque to specification. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Specifications.7 Securely install the wire harness onto thepump.8 Check the level of the hydraulic fluid in thehydraulic tank. Add fluid if needed.9 Prime the pump. Refer to Repair Procedure,How to Prime the Function Pump.10 Start the engine and inspect for leaks.11 Turn the machine off.12 Adjust the pump pressure. Refer to RepairProcedures, How to Adjust the FunctionPump Standby Pressure and How to Adjustthe Function Pump Pressure PressureCompensator.How to Pri me t he Func tion Pu mpHow to Prime the Function PumpNote: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hoseend must be replaced. All connections must betorqued to specification during installation. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.1 Install all hoses onto the hydraulic pump.Torque to specification.Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and FittingTorque Specifications.2 Locate the case drain filler plug at the side ofthe function pump.1 case drain filler plug2 case drain hose3 hydraulic supply line (from tank)