Section 5 • Fault Codes5 - 12 GR™-20J • GR™-26J Part No. 227656GTMarch 2022FAULT CODE CHARTError Source Error TypeID Name ID Name Condition Solution42 Drive shortedThe drive output of thebase board is short-circuited.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.42 Driver 3The base board and thecontroller have performed acheck of the signals for thedrive conductor. If thecontroller board detects aproblem in its own controlcircuit (right or left motor),this alarm will appear.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.43 Driver2The base board and thecontroller perform a checkof the signals for the pump.If the controller boarddetects a problem in itsown control circuit, thisalarm appears.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.44 Driver1The interface and logicboard performs a counter-check of signals for thesteering choice. If the logicdetects a problem in itsown control circuit (fieldconductor circuit), thisalarm appears.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.46 No groundcurrentAlthough the groundconductor is active, nocurrent through the field isdetected.Check the connection of themotor to the controller or lookfor possible leakage to theframework of the platform. Ifeverything is OK, the controllerhas an internal fault.02 Controllerlogicboard47 Pump sensorThe current sensor of thepump is not workingcorrectly. Its output voltageis outside the acceptablerange.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.