Section 5 • Fault CodesPart No. 227656GT GR™-20J • GR™-26J 5 - 3March 2022Fault Code ChartError Source Error TypeID Name ID Name Condition Solution02 Logic fault #1The base board is waitingfor the controller tocomplete its internal test.This alarm may appear fromtime to time upon starting. Anyinitialization delay can causethis alarm to appear. If the alarmappears too often or if it ispermanent, there is an internalerror. Check the currentsoftware version or replace thecontroller.03 Valv. Drv. offlineThe internal device whichcontrols all the auxiliaryoutputs has a problemand is not communicatingcorrectly with themicrocontroller.Replace the controller.04OutputmismatchoverchargeThis alarm is due to adisparity between theoperating states detectedby the two computers. Thecontroller has asked thebase board to activate theoutput for the drive or thepump but the interfacedoes not identify acommand or an operatingstate where the drive orpump must be allowed.Check whether the softwareversions installed on the twoconsoles are correct. If so, theremust be an internal fault.05 EEPROMThere is a fault in themanagement/verificationof the internal EEPROM.It is an internal fault. Replacethe controller. The platform canstill function but the controllerwill use default values for theinternal parameters.06 Wrong RAMmemoryThe algorithm used toverify the main memory isworking with erroneousdata.Try to break the contact. If thealarm is still present, replace thecontroller.10 Flash checkIncorrect softwaredownloaded or the Flashmemory is corrupted.Check the installed softwareversion or replace the controller.01 Controllerinterfaceboard15 Analog inputThere is a fault in the A/Dconverter of the micro-controller.Replace the controller.