Section 5 • Fault CodesPart No. 227656GT GR™-20J • GR™-26J 5 - 13March 2022FAULT CODE CHARTError Source Error TypeID Name ID Name Condition Solution49 Pump shortedThe pump inputs of thebase board are short-circuited.It is an internal fault.Replace the controller.57 No CANmessageThe interface board hasnot received the messagefrom CAN "N"(1= CMD+TRAC2=MESG_EV+INTERFACE5 = MESG_EV +IN_TRAC)Check the BUSCANconnection between themodules. Otherwise, there isan internal fault in a modulewhich causes a transmissionerror, or there is excessivenoise on the BUSCAN linewhich is interfering with thesignal.60 HightemperaturesThe power section of thefuse has reached thetemperature limit: themaximum current isautomatically reduced.The alarm disappears as soonas the cutout cools down. If thisdoes not happen, there is aproblem with the internaltemperature sensor.65Value ofangle sensorincorrectThe value read by thepotentiometer is differentfrom the programmedvalue.Check that the angle sensorpotentiometer is functioningcorrectly. Otherwise, check thewiring.02 Controllerlogicboard87 Time delayThe controller board asksthe base board to activatethe drive motors or thepump. If they are notactivated after 400 ms, thisalarm is activated.Check the software versionsinstalled on the interface andlogic board. This alarm may bedue to a software disparity.Otherwise, there is an internalfault.