Operator's ManualSeventh Edition • Second PrintingPart No. 226478 S-40 • S-45 13Collision Hazards Limit travel speedaccording to thecondition of the groundsurface, congestion,slope, location ofpersonnel, and anyother factors whichmay cause collision.Do not operate a boomin the path of any craneunless the controls ofthe crane have beenlocked out and/orprecautions have beentaken to prevent anypotential collision.No stunt driving orhorseplay whileoperating a machine.Work Area SafetyBe aware of limitedsight distance and blindspots when driving oroperating.Be aware of the boomposition and tailswingwhen rotating theturntable.Check the work area foroverhead obstructionsor other possiblehazards.Be aware of crushinghazards when graspingthe platform guard rail.Operators must complywith employer, job siteand governmental rulesregarding the use ofpersonal protectiveequipment.Observe and use thecolor-coded directionarrows on the platformcontrols and drivechassis for drive andsteer functions.Do not lower the boomunless the area belowis clear of personneland obstructions.Bodily Injury HazardDo not operate the machine with a hydraulic oil orair leak. An air leak or hydraulic leak can penetrateand/or burn skin.Always operate the machine in a well-ventilatedarea to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.Improper contact with components under any coverwill cause serious injury. Only trained maintenancepersonnel should access compartments. Accessby the operator is only advised when performing apre-operation inspection. All compartments mustremain closed and secured during operation.