Part No. 1299207GT Z ®-45 FE • Z ®-45 DC 3First Edition • First Printing Operator's ManualIntroductionBulletin Distribution andComplianceSafety of product users is of paramountimportance to Genie. Various bulletins are usedby Genie to communicate important safety andproduct information to dealers and machineowners.The information contained in the bulletins is tied tospecific machines using the machine model andserial number.Distribution of bulletins is based on the mostcurrent owner on record along with theirassociated dealer, so it is important to registeryour machine and keep your contact informationup to date.To ensure safety of personnel and the reliablecontinued operation of your machine, be sure tocomply with the action indicated in a respectivebulletin.To view any open bulletins for your machine, visitus on the web at the ManufacturerAt times it may be necessary to contact Genie. Whenyou do, be ready to supply the model number andserial number of your machine, along with your nameand contact information. At minimum, Genie shouldbe contacted for:Accident reportingQuestions regarding product applications and safetyStandards and regulatory compliance informationCurrent owner updates, such as changes in machineownership or changes in your contact information.See Transfer of Ownership, below.Transfer of Machine OwnershipTaking a few minutes to update owner informationwill ensure that you receive important safety,maintenance and operating information that appliesto your machine.Please register your machine by visiting us on theweb at or by calling us toll freeat 1-800-536-1800.