Second Edition • Third Printing Operator's ManualOperating InstructionsPart No. 1311085GT S® -80 XC ™ • S® -85 XC ™ 49Emergency StopPush in the red Emergency Stop button to the offposition at the ground controls or the platformcontrols to stop all machine functions and turn theengine off.Repair any function that operates when either redEmergency Stop button is pushed in.Selecting and operating the ground controls willoverride the platform red Emergency Stop button.Auxiliary PowerUse auxiliary power if the primary power source(engine) fails.1 Turn the key switch to ground or platformcontrol.2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position.3 Press down the foot switch when using thecontrols from the platform.4 Simultaneously hold the auxiliarypower switch on and activate thedesired function.The drive function will not operate with auxiliarypower.Operation from Ground1 Turn the key switch to ground control.2 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position.The engine glow plugs will automatically start,either when the machine is turned on or whenengine start is selected.3 Press and release the engine start button.The LCD screen will display the glow plugsymbol. When the glow plug symbol turns off,start the engine.4 Press the engine start button.To Position Platform1 Push and hold the functionenable button.2 Push the appropriate function button accordingto the markings on the control panel.Drive and steer functions are not available fromthe ground controls.Platform Overload Indicator LightLight flashing indicates the platform is overloaded.The engine will stop and no functions will operate.Remove weight from the platform until the lightgoes off and then restart the engine.Note: An alarm will sound at the platform when anoverload condition occurs and will stop soundingwhen weight is removed from the platform.