Operation 24Using the Disc Player to play DVDsInserting a DVDOperation: Select Disc modeDISCDISCDISCDISCthen e.g.No DISCNo DISCNo DISCNo DISCpressfor 2 sec.Open drawer OPENOPENOPENOPENInsert DVDSensor Close drawer again andstart playbackCLOSINGCLOSINGCLOSINGCLOSINGthenREADINGREADINGREADINGREADINGthenIIIINFONFONFONFOExplanation:You can recognise DVDs by the logoshown here. The DVD may containone or more titles, and each title maycontain one or more chapters (seeillustration below); this depends on thetype of material the DVD contains(films, video clips, TV series etc.).The K6 provides a simple, convenient means of access-ing any titles or chapters.To select the DVD player press the button brieflyon the RC handset.Open the drawer with a long press on the but-ton *) and insert a DVD in the drawer with the playableside facing down. Check that it is centrally located inthe appropriate recess in the drawer.Close the drawer by briefly pressing the but-ton *). The K6 initially gathers information about theinserted DVD, then the DVD starts playing.*) NotesThe drawer can also be opened and closed by movingyour hand close to the sensor under the front panel.Important notes:All the playing characteristics of the DVD are determinedby the manufacturer of the disc. Different DVDs mayexhibit marked differences from each other in terms ofmenu operation and playing behaviour (e.g. resume play,return to menu, end of play at end of title etc.).For this reason these operating instructions can onlydescribe the basic 'normal behaviour'.If you encounter discs which do not comply with thisdescription, please follow the on-screen operating notesprovided by the DVD manufacturer.Some DVDs feature a regional code implanted by themanufacturer, designed to limit the use of these discs toparticular regions of the world. The K6 plays all DVDsintended for the region the unit is intended for and allDVDs which feature no regional restriction.If you insert a DVD in the disc drawer, and see a note onthe screen informing you of an incorrect regional code,please contact your DVD supplier and exchange theDVD for a version approved for your region.