19Chapter 6: Network TabairFiber® AF-5X User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.Chapter 6: Network TabThe Network tab allows you to configure settings for themanagement network.There are two ways to access the airFiber ConfigurationInterface:• Management Port Enabled by default. Use a directconnection to the Management port for out-of-bandmanagement.• In-Band Management Enabled by default. In-bandmanagement is available through the local Data port orthe Data port at the other end of the link.The Management port and in-band management sharethe default IP address of To save or test your changes, click Change.A new message appears. You have three options:• Apply To immediately save your changes, click Apply.• Test To try the changes without saving them, clickTest. To keep the changes, click Apply. If you do notclick Apply within 180 seconds (the countdown isdisplayed), the AF-5X times out and resumes its earlierconfiguration.• Discard To cancel your changes, click Discard.Management Network SettingsIn-Band Management Enabled by default. In-bandmanagement is available through the local Data port orthe Data port at the other end of the link.Note: If In-Band Management is enabled, ensure thateach airFiber radio of a link has a unique IP Address. Ifthe airFiber radios use the same IP Address, then youmay lose access via the Data ports.Management IP Address The AF-5X can use a static IPaddress or obtain an IP address from its DHCP server.• DHCP Keep the default, DHCP, to use DHCP reservationon your router to assign a unique IP Address. The localDHCP server assigns a reserved IP address, gateway IPaddress, and DNS address to the AF-5X.Note: If you select the DHCP option, ensure thatyou use DHCP reservation because if you do notknow the IP address, then the only way to managethe AF-5X is to reset the AF-5X to its factory defaultsettings. (Press and hold the Reset button formore than five seconds.) Its default Management IPAddress is reset to DHCP Fallback IP Specify the IP address the AF-5Xshould use if a DHCP server is not found.- DHCP Fallback Netmask Specify the netmask theAF-5X should use if a DHCP server is not found.• Static Assign static IP settings to the AF-5X.Note: IP settings should be consistent with theaddress space of the AF-5X’s network segment.