20Chapter 6: Network TabairFiber® AF-5X User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.- IP Address Specify the IP address of the AF-5X. This IPwill be used for device management purposes.- Netmask When the netmask is expanded into itsbinary form, it provides a mapping to define whichportions of the IP address range are used for thenetwork devices and which portions are used for hostdevices. The netmask defines the address space ofthe AF-5X’s network segment. The (or“/24”) netmask is commonly used on many Class C IPnetworks.- Gateway IP Typically, this is the IP address of the hostrouter, which provides the point of connection to theInternet. This can be a DSL modem, cable modem, orWISP gateway router. The AF-5X directs data packetsto the gateway if the destination host is not within thelocal network.- Primary DNS IP Specify the IP address of the primaryDNS (Domain Name System) server.- Secondary DNS IP Specify the IP address of thesecondary DNS server. This entry is optional and usedonly if the primary DNS server is not responding.Management VLAN If enabled, automatically creates amanagement Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).• VLAN ID Enter a unique VLAN ID from 2 to 4094.Auto IP Aliasing If enabled, automatically generates anIP address for the corresponding WLAN/LAN interface.The generated IP address is a unique Class B IP addressfrom the 169.254.X.Y range (netmask, whichis intended for use within the same network segment only.The Auto IP always starts with 169.254.X.Y, with X and Yas the last two octets from the MAC address of the AF-5X.For example, if the MAC address is 00:15:6D:A3:04:FB, thenthe generated unique Auto IP will be (Thehexadecimal value, FB, converts to the decimal value, 251.)The Auto IP Aliasing setting can be useful because youcan still access and manage devices even if you lose,misconfigure, or forget their IP addresses. Because anAuto IP address is based on the last two octets of the MACaddress, you can determine the IP address of a device ifyou know its MAC address.airView Port The port number associated with theairView spectrum analyzer tool. The default value is 18888.For detailed information on the airView tool, refer to“airView” on page 31.